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    data: Dict[str, DataType],
    step: int = None,
    print_to_console: bool = False,
data(Dict[str, DataType]) Required. Pass in a dictionary of key-value pairs, where the key is the metric name and the value is the metric value. The value supports int, float, types that can be converted by float(), or any BaseType type.
step(int) Optional. This parameter sets the step number for the data. If step is not set, it will start from 0 and increment by 1 for each subsequent step.
print_to_console(bool) Optional, default is False. When set to True, the key and value of data will be printed to the terminal in dictionary format.


swanlab.log is the core API for metric logging. Use it to record data in experiments, such as scalars, images, audio, and text.

The most basic usage is as shown in the following code, which will record the accuracy and loss values into the experiment, generate visual charts, and update the summary values of these metrics:

swanlab.log({"acc": 0.9, "loss":0.1462})

In addition to scalars, swanlab.log supports logging multimedia data, including images, audio, text, etc., and has a good display effect in the UI.

swanlab.log supports printing the key and value of the passed data to the terminal. By default, this feature is disabled. To enable printing, you need to set print_to_console=True.

swanlab.log({"acc": 0.9, "loss": 0.1462}, print_to_console=True)

Alternatively, you can also print it in this way:

print(swanlab.log({"acc": 0.9, "loss": 0.1462}))

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