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PaddleDetection is an end-to-end object detection development toolkit developed by Baidu based on its deep learning framework PaddlePaddle. It supports object detection, instance segmentation, multi-object tracking, and real-time multi-person keypoint detection, aiming to help developers more efficiently develop and train object detection models.


You can use PaddleDetection to quickly train object detection models while using SwanLab for experiment tracking and visualization.

1. Import SwanLabCallback

First, in your cloned PaddleDetection project, find the ppdet/engine/ file and add the following code at the bottom:

class SwanLabCallback(Callback):
    def __init__(self, model):
        super(SwanLabCallback, self).__init__(model)

            import swanlab
            self.swanlab = swanlab
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('swanlab not found, please install swanlab. '
                         'Use: `pip install swanlab`.')
            raise e

        self.swanlab_params = {k[8:]: v for k, v in model.cfg.items() if k.startswith("swanlab_")}

        self._run = None
        if dist.get_world_size() < 2 or dist.get_rank() == 0:
            _ =

        self.best_ap = -1000.
        self.fps = []

    def run(self):
        if self._run is None:
            self._run = self.swanlab.get_run() or self.swanlab.init(**self.swanlab_params)
        return self._run

    def on_step_end(self, status):
        if dist.get_world_size() < 2 or dist.get_rank() == 0 and status['mode'] == 'train':
            training_status = status['training_staus'].get()
            batch_time = status['batch_time']
            data_time = status['data_time']
            batch_size = self.model.cfg['{}Reader'.format(status['mode'].capitalize())]['batch_size']

            ips = float(batch_size) / float(batch_time.avg)
            metrics = {
                "train/" + k: float(v) for k, v in training_status.items()
                "train/ips": ips,
                "train/data_cost": float(data_time.avg),
                "train/batch_cost": float(batch_time.avg)


    def on_epoch_end(self, status):
        if dist.get_world_size() < 2 or dist.get_rank() == 0:
            mode = status['mode']
            epoch_id = status['epoch_id']
            if mode == 'train':
                fps = sum(self.fps) / len(self.fps)
                self.fps = []

                end_epoch = self.model.cfg.epoch
                if (epoch_id + 1) % self.model.cfg.snapshot_epoch == 0 or epoch_id == end_epoch - 1:
                    save_name = str(epoch_id) if epoch_id != end_epoch - 1 else "model_final"
                    tags = ["latest", f"epoch_{epoch_id}"]
            elif mode == 'eval':
                fps = status['sample_num'] / status['cost_time']

                merged_dict = {
                    f"eval/{key}-mAP": map_value[0]
                    for metric in self.model._metrics
                    for key, map_value in metric.get_results().items()
                    "epoch": status["epoch_id"],
                    "eval/fps": fps


                if status.get('save_best_model'):
                    for metric in self.model._metrics:
                        map_res = metric.get_results()
                        key = next((k for k in ['bbox', 'keypoint', 'mask'] if k in map_res), None)
                        if not key:
                            logger.warning("Evaluation results empty, this may be due to "
                                           "training iterations being too few or not "
                                           "loading the correct weights.")
                        if map_res[key][0] >= self.best_ap:
                            self.best_ap = map_res[key][0]
                            save_name = 'best_model'
                            tags = ["best", f"epoch_{epoch_id}"]

    def on_train_end(self, status):

2. Modify the Trainer Code

In the ppdet/engine/ file, add SwanLabCallback to the line where from .callbacks import is:

from .callbacks import Callback, ComposeCallback, LogPrinter, Checkpointer, WiferFaceEval, VisualDLWriter, SniperProposalsGenerator, WandbCallback, SemiCheckpointer, SemiLogPrinter, SwanLabCallback

Next, find the __init_callbacks method of the Trainer class and add the following code under if self.mode == 'train'::

if self.cfg.get('use_swanlab', False) or 'swanlab' in self.cfg:

With this, you have completed the integration of SwanLab with PaddleYolo! Next, simply add use_swanlab: True to the training configuration file to start visualizing and tracking the training.

3. Modify the Configuration File

We will use yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign as an example.

In the configs/yolov3/yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign.yml file, add the following code:

use_swanlab: true
swanlab_project: PaddleYOLO # Optional
swanlab_experiment_name: yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign # Optional
swanlab_description: A training test for PaddleYOLO # Optional
# swanlab_workspace: swanhub # Organization name, optional

4. Start Training

python -u tools/ -c configs/yolov3/yolov3_mobilenet_v1_roadsign.yml --eval

During the training process, you can see the logs of the entire training process, as well as the automatically generated visual charts after the training is complete.